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Chapter 11- Speechless

Jake's POV

I need some fresh air. I stand there, still looking after her. She ran away. Like Cinderella up the stairs. She didn't leave me a shoe. She didn't leave anything. I want to go after her, but I know if I do nothing good will come from it. My lust for her is raging like a beast inside of me. Air. I need a quick breather. I don't understand anything that's happening to me. My body screamed for me to just grab her and do my normal things, but my mind didn't and still doesn't want to. That kiss was amazing. Light and easy. It was great while it lasted, and she kissed me. Then boom, she pushed me away. I go down the stairs, and duck my head, going for the door. I make it outside with out Wyatt seeing me. I goes around so I'm not standing in front, I lean against the wall trying to get things figured out. 

1. My parents want to meet her. I wasn't lying, I got pulled from eighth period and they talked to me all damn afternoon. My dad told my mom I had a tutor and she gushed on about how she wants to thank her. In other words if she didn't come, things might be bad. 

2. Paige doesn't trust me. I don't even know if she believed me tonight! 

3. I'm getting something for her. Me, Jake Lincoln, I'm going soft for a good girl. I could have anyone... but of course the one girl I really want to have doesn't want or care for me! She kissed me though, but she did push me away as well. What does that mean? 

4. I've still got Wyatt on my back about getting a girl. He probably has a sign up sheet for girls in there! Oh shit, I hope he doesn't. 

5. I have no idea where to go from here. I want to pursue her, I want her! I've been warned though, by Mr. Parker and Wyatt. I've never felt like this about anyone before though, what are these... are these actual deep feelings? Or is this just lust and hormones? If it was lust, I wouldn't have kissed her the way I did. God just thinking about that kiss makes me want more. Her lips where soft and holding lightly in my arms she almost seemed fragile. She isn't though, she's not fragile. She is strong, and has a strong mindset. In that moment she let her guard down, and I wish it would've last longer then it did. I have feelings for this girl! This smart, good, and nice girl. Me! The guy who never tries, and everyone likes for his money (other then her), and the good looks. 

I need to talk to her. I need her to believe me. I push off the wall, and go back inside. Heading for the stairs, I get pulling into the kitchen. 

"Jake just the guy I was looking for!" Anne purs and I grab her hand before it touches my face. "Oh come on, Wyatt told me about your situation...I want you to know I'm here to help when ever you want." She says, and I let go of her hand in disgust. Wyatt, he is telling people I have problems? Great. Where is he? I leave without a reply to her, I have nothing to say. I can't believe he told her! Their ex's, and he told her to come find me and fuck me. Zero sense, but I don't care I'm not doing it!

When I do finally find Wyatt, he is in the back playing beer pong, against Robbie and Henry. Paige is sitting up in his room alone? Hmmm, now isn't the time! I push away the thought of going up and talking to her. She probably snuck out or something anyways. I stand watching waiting for the game to be over, because our talk might take awhile. Robbie is good, although I guess it's expected, he is the main pitcher for the baseball team. I can see Wyatt getting frusterated, I just shake my head at the situation. Wyatt it the catcher, he has a good gloce. He can throw too, but his aim isn't anything compared to Robbie. Once the game is finished I pull Wyatt away, ignoring his protest. He might actually be a bit tipsy. 

"What the hell, man!" I say right away once we're somewhere private. "You told Anne to find me!"

"Dude loosen up!" He says, "What's the problem. She is there, she wants to. Just do it!" He laughs. I back away from him, I can't stand him sometimes. "What's got you so wound up?"

"I'm trying to stay focused here Wyatt! I have to get my grade up, and be tutored, and you're not helping!" I practically yell, and he sobers up real quick. Shit. 

"Tutor?" He asks. I let out a breath trying to calm down, I shouldn't be so mad. I nod, and he crosses his arms looking at  me. "You're failing a class?"

"History." I look out the window next to me. 

"You're parents...." He sighs, and I nod. He's got it figured out. "Sorry man. I didn't realize... I thought you were getting soft for the Easton girl." I close my eyes, and lean against the window. That's true too. "How'ed you even start tal- Oh, Jake." He stops, and I take a deep breath in I'm gonna get a lecture in three.. two... one.. "What the hell man? What's brought all of this on? How'ed you even start talking to her?"

"Nothing... it's all just nothing." I reply. 

"Oh bullshit!" He says, "What's going on!" He demands. 

"Nothing. That's the thing nothing." I snap, "She isn't intersted." We're both quiet, he is never going to put this down either. He'll tell everyone, and he'll tease Paige about it. I don't want that. I don't want her even knowing I like her. Right now she thinks I'm a jerk and she is right. I am, and she deserves better. 

"Dude, you're not giving up are you? Jake Lincoln never gives up, and he doesn't ever go soft either.. but if you really like this chick... then.. what are you waiting for?" He sighs. 

"You wouldn't understand." I say "Just keep your mouth shut, and leave it alone." I warn, and he roles his eyes. "I'm serious Wyatt, this one needs to be left alone." 

"What ever." He says, and turns ready to ealk away. "When Jake gets back.. will you tell him I want to talk to him?" Then he is gone. I head to the stairs, not wanting to have anything to do with the party. 

My room is on the fourth floor. All the way up. I don't mind though, it's easy to get away from everything during parties. Am I really that different? All that's changed is not wanting a girl... well my grade to but that's an easily fix. Why is he judging me? He is the one with a girl friend. What ever at the moment I don't care. I reach it to the third floor, and I pause seeing Robbie's name on the door directly to my left. I let out a breath, but I keep going straight for the stairs. 

"Jake?" She asks, and I can't help but smile. I  turn around and go down the couple stairs I went up. "What are you doing?"  she takes a bite from something that looks delicious. Her brownies that she was making, she is looking at me with confusion still waiting for an answer. 

"I told you I didn't want the party. I have homework to do.. math, history.. the works." I say, and she hmms' me. "What are you doing? In there all alone?" I ask, and she sighs leaning against the wall. She looks at the brownie thing in her hand, and break a piece off and holds it out to me. I take it of course, and she explains what's all in it. It sounds good. 

"I've been running through play lines..." She finally answer. "I was just gonna go find Robbie, tell him I'm going back to my place, but...." she trails off. 

"But what?"

"But... if you're gonna do your history homework I... could help you." I mean since you didn't make it to the lesson..." She stammers. " Or it can wait til Wednesday... yeah.. I don't know." She says, getting nervous. I smile, liking the idea that she offered to help me. 

"I would love your help." I admit, and she stops babbling and lets out a breath of relieve. 

"Well.. lets get to it." She says gesturing to the stairs. "Probably should do it up in your dorm... Robbie isn't to fond of you." 

"Well.. at least the feeling is mutual." I mutter leading her to my room. Thank god I cleaned it yesterday. Holy crap I'm taking her to my room! I've never had agirl in there and not done anything with them. I look down at her, and she is texting someone. I don't ask, even though I want to but isn't none of my business. Once we're there she pauses outside, and I can see she is thinking if it's a good idea. "I'm not gonna try anything. I swear." I say, holding out my hand for her to take. She accepts it lightly laying her hand in mine. I close the door, and she looks around. "What?" I ask. 

"It's clean!" She whispers, and I laugh. 

"I'm not a cave man." I inform her, and she sends me a small sharp look with the comment. 

"Just not what I expected... that's all." She sighs, and I dig out my history worksheet.  "Oh, I have other papers he wanted me to do with you... but they're back  in my room." She tells me. 

"We could do them tom- oh no you have that dance thing. What about Thursday?" I say looking over my shoulder at her. She is looking at the only photo I have in my room. I don't many personal personal things here,  I don't want people snooping. It's a picture, or me with my younger sister Jayla. Over the summer the two of us went on a road trip and went to Florida. She wanted to go to Sea World and Disneyland and all that before highschool, and our parents didn't have the time to take her, neither did Jason, so I took her. 

"You remembered I have a dance recital?" She says, and glances at me. I nod, looking at her body again. Ballerina, yeah she has the body for that. She just has a body. Hips and curves. "My face is up here." She clears her throat, and I imediately look away from her completely. Well, I just got caught. 

"Hmmm." I cough, "Of course I remembered." I say, relaxing and coming back to the problem at hand. Tutoring. 

"Thursday works, if you actually show up." she replies, not sounding mad. Although, she doesn't believe I'll be there. After everything that has happened she doesn't trust me.  "Sooo, am I gonna help you or not?" she questions. I  hold up the paper I have, and we settle on the floor and we get down to the nitty gritty. It only takes like ten minutes for us to do, it wasn't hard and I already started it. I actually paid attention in class too. Once it is finished though we both stya laying on the ground in silence. What now? All she said was she would help me and she did. 

"Thank you." I say, roling over to my back. I hold my arms up into the air stretching out. She lets a breath sounding tired and unsure. "What are you gonna do now?" I sigh, trying to make conversation. She flips over as well, onto her back, I look at her and she looks at the ceiling. Relaxed, she looks at ease. Not tense, or mad. I don't see her like this often. 

"I'm probably gonna just go back to the dorm... I'm sure Fiddle is out of food again..and he'll need his litter boz clea- What?" She says looking at me, I 'm smiling listening to her. "Someone has to change the litter box!" I mutters and I chuckle, and she giggles slightly. What a sound that is too. Everything she does, just her, she is perfect. 

"Well, better not keep him waiting. How on Earth can he tinkle without a clean litter box!" I gasp jokingly. I get up and hold a hand out to her. No hesitation, no frown. She smiles taking my offer. "I'll walk you out." I say, grabbing my jacket that's thrown over my desk chair. 

"You don't have to.. I have to stop at Robbie's room anyways." she says, turning around in front of the door. She doesn't want me to follow? Why? Where is she going? Was she planning on staying at Robbie's place?! What do I say to her? I don't want to seem pushy, but I don't want her staying with him either! They may only be friends, but still I'm not okay with it. Even though to her my opinion doesn't matter. 

"Well to bad!" I smirk, she ain't getting rid of me that easily. She frowns for a second, not even, and then she lets out a breath, and shrugs her shoulders. "So... what were you two doing anyways?" I ask, as we head down the first flight of stairs. 

"Running play lines." She replies, not seeming to mind that I'm asking. I wonder if that's a lie. She replied aufully  fast, so it's either to cover something up of that is what they were doing, and she just doesn't care that I know. Why am I thinking about this so hard? It's jealousy. Damn it's a bad thing to have, and a bad thing to be. "I'll be right back." she tells me, and goes in leaving the door open. Then she is back in a second, and holding a play book and two brownies. "Want it?" she holds one out to me.  

"How can I refuse." I say dramaticallly, and she smiles. If Mrs. Oliver would've heard me she would've applauded. 

"That was good!" She says, walking next to me down another flight of stairs. "Ever think about actually being in the musical?" She asks, breaking a piece off and eating it. I just take a bite out of it like a cookie, and I'm imediately in love with it. The piece she gave before was good, but my second taste is better.  "I'm glad you like it." She tittered. 

"No." I finally reply, after the brownie thing is gone. "I haven't thought about being in the production. Not my thing." I inform her, looking down at her. She is about half a foot shorter then me. She roles her eyes, and looks up at me through her long lashes.  "What?" I ask, wondering what she is thinking. 

"You've been doing a lot of things lately that don't seem to be your thing." she whispers looking away as color rushes to her cheeks. I look ahead as we come down to the bottom of the last stair case. She is right. Hanging out with her, walking her to her car. Being in drama class, although that wasn't really a choice. She has me figured out already.  What do I say to that? What should I say to that? 

"Yeah, I don't know exactly what's going on.. I think I'm going through something." I joke, and she laughs at my referennce. We make it out without interuptions, and she leads the way to her car. She stops outside the drivers door and looks up at me, I smile unsure what she wants or what she is doing.

"Hey, I just want to tell you. I do believe you, and I will go to that dinner. Just let me know when?" She says, opening the door. 

"Sounds like a plan." I say holding the door while she tosses her things into the passenger seat. 

"Not a date." She takes note, and I nod.

"No way." I say, I never ever bring dates to meet my parents! Well, none have ever lasted long enough. I've never really been in a relationship. She studies me a moment, and a smirk spreads across her face. "What?" I panic. What's she thinking?

"You've never brought a girl home have you?" She lays her hand on the door next to mine. My face heats, and I look down at my feet. "They know I'm just your tutor right?" She asks me, narrowing her eyes. 

"I emphasized it. Don't worry they know." I tell her, and she nods. "Alright well I'll let y-"

"Jake!" A couple guys yell from across the street. We both turn our attentions towards them. "Nice target, she's a beast man!"  Oh shit! No! I send them glares, and they get the hint. I look back at Paige, and she is sending me a look. 

"I'm not trying anything I swear, if I was I wouldn't be out here saying good bye!" I defend myself. 

"That's not the point Jake." She sighs. "You don't walk girls to there cars, you don't talk to girls unless you're flirting with them. You don't have friends who are girls." She finishes looking past me, I'm assuming at the dorm. Where is she going with this? What does she want? What do I want? "Jake.. I just don't understand, what do you want from me?" She asked. "You kissed me earlier.. well we kissed earlier, but you haven't said or done anything else. I don't know what you want from me." 

Everything. I want you. I can't tell her that, she wont believe me. I want her to be comfortable around me like she is around Robbie. I want her to trust me, and want to be around me! Want. I just want. Although, I need her in my life somehow, I know that for a fact. Whether is just as my tutor. I need her. So I don't just want, I need as well. Although it is a wanting type or need, I still need her. How do I tell her this? I can't just be like I need you, or I want you... that sounds weird and she wont believe me. 

"I'll see you at drama tomorrow." She says quietly. No! I can't leave things like this!

"Paige wait." I say walking around the door, so it's not between us. If I can see her body language, I can get a little on how she feels. I've known body language for a while now. "I don't ... I haven't... Ugh!" I'm speechless. What do I say to her? 

"I get it... you don't want me to ruin your reputation. No worries, just a tutor from now on." She murmurs. I can't say anything. I'm loosing my control here. She is about to leave dude do something! I grab her hand, in my moment of panic.  "Ja-" It's to late. I'm already kissing her. I cup her face in my hands, wanting more. I push into it more, wanting her to really kiss me like she did before. Instead she takes steps backwards but I keep up with her until her back hits the car. Her hands land on my chest, but they are tense and she is still holding back. No, I'm not going to just let her walk away.. technically drive away but whatever! How can I get her to stay! The only way I know is through sex. I don't want that with her. I do.. I really do, but not like this. Then it's over she pushes against me, and I move away. She doesn't say anything, she turns facing her car again. 

"Paige!" I blurt, and she stops. She doesn't look at me but she stops. 

"What?" She whispers, and she sounds obviously confused. I can see her shaking, I don't want to hurt her. But if I let her go I'll hurt myself! Why can't I just say this to her? I've never said anything like that to a girl. I've never even told a girl if I wanted them or not, they just assumed it. 

"I can't let you get in the car." I rasp finally saying something, she rubs her forhead.

"What does that mean?" She mumbles, tired. I'm wide awake, I'm trying to grasp onto anything that will help me right now. 

"You know what it means!" I whisper, and she lets out a small cry.  "Don't cry. Please.. I just.. I can't.." I'm speechless again. God way to go Jake she is crying! 

"You. It had to be you." She whispers wiping her face. I don't understand. What does she mean? What did I do? God, I just want her to stop crying! I was told to not hurt her, I was told to leave her alone period but to hell with that! I slowly come back in close, and I pull her away from the car slightly. I hold her. Just a nice embrace. Perfect. "Why are you doing this?" she pleas. 

"I want you." I whisper in her ear, and I can feel her tense up. "I want you to stay with me tonight... stay. Don't leave. Please." 

"For what?" She says in disgust. Tears leaving and anger replacing them.

"I don't want to say goodbye that's why. I feel like, I'm loosing you. As if I'll never see you again." I admit.

"I was never yours to have." She mumbles, and I squeeze her tighter. Why is she so complicated! Why am I being so possessive?

"I have you now." I say looking down at her. "I'm not letting you the car. Not tonight." I inform her.  "I won't pull anything, I just want you with me. One night. That's all I'm asking for." I beg her. Desperation loud and clear in my voice. 

"How can I trust you?" She whispers, and I take a breath. 

"You know you can. You're just scared to." I say. We're both quiet for what seems like eternity. "Please." I say one last time. I feel her nod against my chest. My heart rate quickens, and I almost jump like I just won a gold medal. Hell I did! She is staying with me! "Really?" I say, holding out at arms length. No way am I letting go now. "Come on you're tired." I say wrapping am arm around her waist. We walk back into the dorm, after she has her car door closed and her cell phone in her pocker. The party is dwindling down, and it's lost about have its numbers since we came out here. It's a school night, not suprizing. We walk back up the stairs to my room, and once we're their she pulls  my plush blanket off of the corner of my bed. Then she lays back in my recliner I have in my room. I look at her, she has her eyes closed, trying to sleep. 

"I can feel you looking." She says, "No, I'm fine over here.. away from the bed." She adds, and I sigh. 

"Good night." I say. Wishing she wasn't so stuborn, but I think that's something about her I like. 

"Yeah." She whispers already falling victum to sleep. I lay in my bed alone, but not. She is here that's a start. Whether she stays the whole night is what I'm wondering. 
